Solid Rods

Forging Alloy

Forging Rod

The forging process produces parts with better properties than the other manufacturing methods, such as casting and machining. Forged rod, which is produced according to EN 12165 Standard, has excellent ductility and process properties due to its metallurgical properties. Forged rod obtain excellent punching capability due to their mechanical properties and chemical composition distribution that are suitable for heating, cooling and plumbing systems.

Forging Alloys
Alloy Symbol EN UNS JIS 4MS Datasheet
CuZn39Pb2 CW612N C37700 C3771 pdf file
CuZn39Pb3 CW614N C38500 CZ121 pdf file
CuZn40Pb2 CW617N C38000 - pdf file

Free Machining Alloy

Free-cutting Rod

Free-cutting Rod is producing according to the Standard of EN12164, which has measurement sensitivity and high-speed performance suitable for machining. The presence of zinc and lead in the free-cutting rod increases the strength and smoothness of the final surface of the product due to its metallurgical properties. The chemical composition and proper distribution of the lead element create the possibility of using rods with the optimal mechanical properties and the ability to make finer chips.

Free Machining Alloys
Alloy Symbol EN UNS JIS 4MS Datasheet
CuZn39Pb2 CW612N C37700 C3771 pdf file
CuZn39Pb3 CW614N C38500 CZ121 pdf file
CuZn40Pb2 CW617N C38000 - pdf file